Rules: How to set up email notifications for a rule
  1. In MyGeotab, select the Rules & Groups > Rules or the Groups & Rules > Rules option from the main menu.
  2. For a default rule, click the Manage recipients envelope icon. For a custom rule, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the desired rule, then select the Notifications tab.
    • Manage recipients envelope icon
  3. Select Add email or click the More... dropdown to choose a Distribution list.
    • Notification options
  4. Select the email template and enter which users should receive the email. Or, for a distribution list, select which list should receive the email.
  5. Click on Add. The selected notification will appear below.
  6. Click Save when finished.
Additional Notes
WARNING: Manually typing a desired email address instead of selecting from the drop-down list will treat the email as an external user and ignore any data scoping set on the account within the database.
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