Compliance: Data missing from IFTA report
  • Error Message: There are no Excel Reports connected with this page. For more information, contact your administrator
  • User unable to access IFTA
  • Trip distance is reading as 0 KM
  • Stale odometer
  • Odometer not incrementing 
  • Vehicle not showing up 
  • Blank for any search range
  • Some/all vehicles missing from IFTA report
  • IFTA report blank for all days
  • Showing blank when I download it
  • Enter and exit odometer values are the same value and do not change
Resolution Path

Possible reasons and resolutions: 

  • Reason #5: Vehicle has no valid trips during the time period
    • Resolution: Drive the vehicle to populate the report

  • Reason #8: Device was completely removed from the system
    • Resolution: The data cannot be recovered. Removing the device will permanently delete all of the device's data

  • Reason #9: Before making the device historical, it was plugged into a new vehicle which overrode the previous vehicle's odometer readings
  • Reason #10: Fuel tax entries were made within the last few days and haven't updated on the report yet
    • Resolution: Check again after 48-72 hours

Additional Notes
Related Questions

    • Reason #14: The server is unable to find the IFTA report template and running the IFTA report causes "InvalidPDFException" error .
      • Resolution: Escalate case to Engineering Support
    Reason for Archiving