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Assets: How to make an asset historical/archive a device



For assets with a device installed with serial number:

  1. Select the Vehicles & Assets or Assets option from the main menu.
  2. Find and click on the asset you wish you make historical.
  3. Scroll and click Unplug device:
    • Image
  4. Click Archive asset to confirm:
    • Archive asset

NOTE: Unplug and keep active will stop the device reporting into the database for the future, but keep the historical data for reporting purposes. Unplug and archive will make the device historical will remove the device serial number from the vehicle information. If you would like to remember the serial number used for the vehicle in question, one suggestion would be to add the device serial number in the comments section on the vehicle page.

For vehicles/assets without a serial number:

  1. Select the Vehicles & Assets or Assets option from the main menu.
  2. Find and click on the asset you wish you make historical.
  3. Click Remove:
    • Remove button for an asset
  4. Click Archive asset to confirm:
    • Confirmation popup for removing or archiving an asset

Additional Notes