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Assets: How to move a GO Device to a new vehicle



  1. Physically unplug the GO device from the old vehicle.
  2. In the MyGeotab database, click Vehicles & Assets or Assets.
  3. Select the old vehicle from which you just unplugged the GO Device.
  4. In the Asset heading, click the Unplug Device button.
  5. If you intend to continue using this vehicle with a different device, click Keep Active, otherwise click archive vehicle.
  6. Return to the Vehicles page and click Add > Add asset.
  7. Enter serial number into the Serial number field and give the new vehicle a description.
  8. Click OK to save.
  9. Physically install the GO Device in the new vehicle.

Additional Notes

  • If you have another vehicle already added that you'd like to switch the device to, archive the device. Once that's done, click "Reactivate". Click "Unarchive with device" and it'll take you to add asset with the device name pre-filled.
  • Before proceeding, you may want to add the serial number to the old vehicle page for record-keeping.
  • Video: Moving a GO Device to a New Asset
  • How-to Guide: Moving a GO Device to Another Vehicle
  • Visit this article if you get the message: There are extended services associated with this vehicle. Active services must be terminated before the vehicle can be archived. To terminate extended services, please contact your Reseller.

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