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SDK: How to bulk import users using the Import Users tool



  1. Open the Import Users tool.
  2. Enter the server, database, and your credentials to login.
  3. Follow either one of the following methods to set up the necessary information for a new user:
    • Method 1: Using the form
      1. Fill out the required fields (HOS fields optional).
      2. Click Add User.
      3. Repeat for each new user.
    • Method 2: Utilizing the Template provided by the SDK tool
      1. Click on Template at the top of the SDK tool screen.
        • Template button on SDK tool page
      2. In the pop-up, click excel template to download the template.
        • Excel template hyperlink in pop-up
      3. Open the downloaded template and enter the user(s) information.
      4. Scroll to the far right and copy the data generated in the column labeled Data to Import.
      5. Paste the data from the column into the input box under Import users.
        • Import users input box on SDK tool page
      6. Click Import Users.

Additional Notes