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MyGeotab : How to create alerts for DVIR defects



There are two ways to be notified about DVIR related activities: using Rules or Reports.

By Rules:
Create a custom rule using the DVIR defect condition:

  1. Navigate to Groups and Rules > Rules
  2. Click Add > Conditions
  3. Click More > DVIR Defect ( Asset inspection)
  4. Finish the rule settings by visiting the Name and Notifications tabs
  5. Click Save

Please ensure feature preview is enabled to see the rule condition.

By Reports
After downloading theInspection Defects Alert Reportfrom the Marketplace and uploading the report into MyGeotab as an Emailed report, you'llneed to apply additional settings:

  1. Specify the groups for the dashboard viewers or the recipient list
  2. Set the Report Date Range to your desired time range ( Previous hour is recommended)
  3. Specify a refresh period which will result in new data each cycle start ( Every 30 minutes is recommended).
  4. Select the group you would like included in the report. By default, it is set to Everything as the user will only receive what they have access to.
  5. Click Save

Additional Notes