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How to import multiple zones



  1. Click on Zones & Messages > Import Zones or Productivity > click Zones > select Import Zones
  2. Click Drop the zone file in the Select Files box to search and select file that was created.
  3. In the row that says Valid Zones Click the upload icon ()

Additional Notes

The same steps can be followed to create a circle zone of any radius.................

File format must be .xlsx , .xlsm or .zip file when doing bulk import zones. The zone importer will look at ALL sheets within the file import the zones that are deemed valid.

Examples of an Excel table for zone import:


  • Uploading identical zones will create duplicates in the system.
  • Additional steps for when a different zone type is to be chosen while uploading zones in bulk:

1. Click on Options button after importing the file
2. Under Options, choose the relevant zone type
3. Click Apply Changes on the options pop-up
4. Click Import zones
