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MyGeotab: How to Create a Custom Speeding Rule with Speed Limit and Duration?



How to create a custom speeding rule manually:

  1. Navigate to Rules & Groups > Rules or Groups & Rules > Rules
  2. Click Add at the top.
  3. Click Conditions tab.
  4. Click Add speed to creates a condition of Over or Under a specific speed.
  5. Click Add speed limit to creates a condition of Over the limit by a specific speed.
  6. Select whether to exclude or include estimated speed limits by selecting On or Off next to the Exclude estimated speed limits option
  7. Set Road speed provider to "Commercial" or "Community" based on your desire.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Click Add duration to creates a condition of Over or Under a specific time frame.

How to create a custom speeding rule using default rule:

  1. Navigate to Rules & Groups > Rules oGroups & Rules > Rules
  2. Scroll down to the default Speeding rule and click on the pencil icon: pencil icon to use it as a template
  3. Click Conditions tab.
  4. Click the paper icon paper icon to open up the Advanced Conditions Editor to modify the rule.
  5. Add a name for the rule in the Name tab.
  6. Click Save.
  7. You will find your custom rule under Advanced at the bottom of the Rules page.

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