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MyGeotab: What Does Every Column mean within the Advanced Trip Detail Report Data Sheet?



Below, is a complete list of what each column is with a brief description 

Column NameDescription
DeviceNameName of Device within database
DeviceIdDevice's raw Id (IE: device, id:b123)
DeviceCommentComments within the Device Edit page
DeviceGroupGroups associated with Device
UserFirstNameDriver's first name associated with vehicle
UserLastNameDriver's last name associated with vehicle
UserNameDriver's username associated with vehicle
UserIdDriver's raw user Id (IE:user,id:b41B4)
UserCommentComments within the user/driver's profile
DriverGroupGroup's associated with Driver
TripDetailRouteNameTrips Route Name (If applicable, defined in Routes)
TripDetailStartDateTimeTrip's Start Time
TripDetailDrivingDuraionTrip's Driving Duration
TripDetailStopDateTimeTrip's Stop Time
TripDetailDistanceTotal Trip Distance
TripDetailStopDurationStopped Duration between Trips or since last Trip
TripDetailLatitudeTrip Latitude of GPS Point
TripDetailLongitudeTrip Longitude of GPS Point
TripDetailLocationTrip Location of Latitude/Longitude
Location.ZoneZoneTypesZone Type of Location
Location.ZoneExternalReferenceComment in Zone Type of Location
TripDetailPrivateTripPersonal Mode On or Off
TripDetailIdlingDurationTotal Duration of Idling on Trip
TripDetailMaximumSpeedMaximum Speed of Trip
TripDetailSpeedRange1Count of Max Speed events exceeding Speed Band 1 (Defined in System Settings)
TripDetailSpeedRange1DurationDuration of Max Speed events exceeding Speed Band 1 (Defined in System Settings)
TripDetailSpeedRange2Count of Max Speed events exceeding Speed Band 2 (Defined in System Settings)
TripDetailSpeedRange2DurationDuration of Max Speed events exceeding Speed Band 2 (Defined in System Settings)
TripDetailSpeedRange3 Count of Max Speed events exceeding Speed Band 3 (Defined in System Settings)
TripDetailSpeedRange3Duration Duration of Max Speed events exceeding Speed Band 3 (Defined in System Settings)
TripDetailIsStartDriveWorkHours Did Trip Start within Standard Work Hours? Yes or No (Defined in Work Hours Settings)
TripDetailIsStopDriveWorkHoursDid Trip Stop within Standard Work Hours? Yes or No (Defined in Work Hours Settings)
TripDetailWorkHoursDistanceDistance Driven within Standard Work Hours (Defined in Work Hours Settings)
TripDetailWorkHoursTripTimeTrip Driving Duration within Standard Work Hours (Defined in Work Hours Settings)
TripDetailWorkHoursStopTimeTrip Stop Duration within Standard Work Hours (Defined in Work Hours Settings)
TripDetailOdometerAtStartOdometer of Vehicle at Start of Trip
TripDetailExceptionRule1DurationDuration of Exception Rule 1 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule1CountCount of Exception Rule 1 events (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule1DistanceDistance of Exception Rule 1 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule2DurationDuration of Exception Rule 2 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule2CountCount of Exception Rule 2 events (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule2DistanceDistance of Exception Rule 2 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule3DurationDuration of Exception Rule 3 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule3CountCount of Exception Rule 3 events (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule3DistanceDistance of Exception Rule 3 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule4DurationDuration of Exception Rule 4 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule4CountCount of Exception Rule 4 events (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule4DistanceDistance of Exception Rule 4 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule5DurationDuration of Exception Rule 5 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule5CountCount of Exception Rule 5 events (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule5DistanceDistance of Exception Rule 5 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule6DurationDuration of Exception Rule 6 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule6CountCount of Exception Rule 6 events (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule6DistanceDistance of Exception Rule 6 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule7DurationDuration of Exception Rule 7 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule7CountCount of Exception Rule 7 events (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule7DistanceDistance of Exception Rule 7 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule8DurationDuration of Exception Rule 8 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule8CountCount of Exception Rule 8 events (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripDetailExceptionRule8DistanceDistance of Exception Rule 8 (Rule Defined in Report Settings)
TripStartEVBatteryChargeBattery charge level for Electric Vehicles at the start of the trip
TripEndEVBatteryChargeBattery charge level for Electric Vehicles at the end of the trip
TripElectricEnergyUsedEnergy used by Electric Vehicles over the course of the trip
TripElectricEnergyUsedWhileDrivingEnergy used by Electric Vehicles specifically while driving during the trip
TripElectricEnergyUsedWhileIdlingEnergy used by Electric Vehicles specifically while idling during the trip
TripElectricEnergyEconomyElectric energy economy for the duration of the trip
TripDetailFuelConsumedFuel usage for the trip