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Report: How does the Safety Scorecard work?



The Safety Scorecard uses the following six (6) default rules to calculate the final score for your vehicle/driver:

  • Harsh Acceleration;
  • Harsh Braking;
  • Harsh Cornering;
  • Seat Belt;
  • Speeding;
  • Excessive Speeding (Custom Rule, Speed>90 mph or 145 Km/h).

We use this calculation per rule to calculate the driver's score:

  • Harsh Acceleration: A00 (Event Count x 1000) / Total Driving Distance;
  • Harsh Braking: 100 (Event Count x 1000) / Total Driving Distance;
  • Harsh Cornering: 100 (Event Count x 1000) / Total Driving Distance;
  • Seat Belt: 0.7(100 ((Event Distance / Total Driving Distance) x Multiplier))) + 0.3(100 (Event Count x 1000) / Total Driving Distance));
  • Speeding: 100 ((Event Distance / Total Driving Distance) x Multiplier));
  • Excessive Speeding: 100 (Event Count x 1000) / Total Driving Distance.

Then the Weights of the Scorecard get multiplied by the score found from above. The Default Weight for each rule is listed below:

  • Hard Acceleration - 10%;
  • Harsh Braking - 10%;
  • Harsh Cornering - 10%;
  • Seat belt - 20%;
  • Speeding - 20%;
  • Excessive Speed - 30%.

The final score is calculated to provide the individual Driver's or Vehicle's Safety Score.

Additional Notes

  • Driver safety scorecards: the first step to a safer fleet
  • Seat Belt and Speeding rules have an additional "Multiplier" that greatly impacts the scores for those two rules the more the driver or vehicle breaks that rule. Please review the Multiplier section of the whitepaper linked above.
  • The order of the Rules is important. When placing your scorecard onto the dashboard, setting up the Emailing, or just reviewing the report in Preview, you must make sure that the six (6) rules are ordered as shown in the Answer section above. With inaccurate order, the Seat belt rule and Speeding rule could be calculated incorrectly while having any of the other four (4) rules using the calculations for Seat Belt/Speeding instead of what is listed above.

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  1. Where can you find information about calculations on each tab for driver scorecard report ?