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Compliance: What's the difference between the HOS setting being ON or AUTOMATIC?



HOS set to "On":

  • The vehicle will generate HOS logs whether or not a driver is assigned to it
  • If no driver is assigned to the vehicle, automatic HOS logs will be created under an unidentified driver when the vehicle moves

HOS set to "Automatic":

  • Vehicle will not get any HOS logs until a driver assigns themselves to the vehicle
  • Once a driver assigns themselves, the HOS setting will automatically switch to "On" and the vehicle will create automatic HOS logs whether a driver is assigned to it or not

HOS set to "Off":

  • No Automatic logs will be created. If a driver selects this vehicle then he will have the option to make Manual logs.

Additional Notes

  • While HOS settings are set to "Automatic", the vehicle does not generate Unidentified Driver logs
  • It's set up this way so vehicles are always available for HOS, without creating logs in cases where they are not wanted
  • As per the ELD mandate, if a vehicle is used for ELD, all logs have to be recorded - either under a specific driver or under the Unidentified driver.
  • Compliance: How to turn on/off Hours of Service (HOS) for a device?