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What can cause a driver to be disassociated with a vehicle?



A driver can be disassociated from a vehicle via a few methods:

  1. If the driver was associated with a vehicle via the Geotab Drive app, then they should be disassociated with the vehicle when logging out of the Drive App.
  2. A driver will be disassociated from a vehicle after the next ignition off event in the following scenarios:
    • The driver was associated with the vehicle via NFC (while ignition is on) and "Driver Identification Reminder" is turned on
      • With "Driver Identification Reminder" turned on, the driver will still be associated with the vehicle after the ignition of a vehicle is turned off for the duration specified by the reminder settings. Ie. 30 seconds in the below example:???Screenshot_2018-12-04_at_12.43.16_PM.png
      • With "Driver Identification Reminder" turned off, the driver will still be associated with the vehicle after an ignition off event
    • The driver was associated with the vehicle by an administrator on MyGeotab via the Assign Driver function on the Map Page
      • The driver will not be disassociated from the vehicle after an ignition off event if they are set to be the default driver of the vehicle

3. A driver will be disassociated from a vehicle if another driver is subsequently associated with the vehicle via NFC, MyGeotab or Geotab Drive

  • The driver will not be disassociated with a vehicle if another driver associates themselves with the same vehicle via the Geotab Drive app on the same tablet; in this case they would be a co-driver.
  • If an unassigned key is tagged, the driver will not be disassociated from the vehicle on the Trip History page since MyGeotab does not recognize the key.

4. A driver will be disassociated with a vehicle when associating themselves with another vehicle.

Additional Notes

Driver disassociation via MyGeotab or the Geotab Drive app will not clear saved NFC serial information on the device for that trip.

  • Note : It is not recommended to use IOX-NFC in conjunction with Geotab Drive and Hours of Service (HOS)