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Productivity: MyGeotab: Stops under 200 seconds are not appearing in trips history



  • Short stops are not appearing on trips history
  • Trips history is not showing loading/unloading stops


Any stops that are under 200 seconds will not be displayed as a stop on MyGeotab. This is by design.This stop condition only breaks when the vehicle's ignition is turned off, or when the vehicle has a speed of less than 1 km/h for more than 200 seconds.


If you want to see stops for less than 200 seconds, then you would need to create a new custom rulecondition based off speed and duration. For example, instead of using the built-in stopped condition, use something like the following, replacing the time value with something less than 200 seconds:



If you would like for stops to be created for stops shorter than 200 seconds then you may follow the workaround procedure and change the duration to the time that best suits the situation.

More information about Stops can be found in the MyGeotab Product Guide

Additional Information

MyGeotab: How to create a custom rule