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MyGeotab: No vehicles are showing up on the map because no vehicles are selected



  • Vehicles are not showing on Map
  • Just installed my device, and I m on the database but, cant see the vehicle on the maps. Whats going on with it?
  • I cant see any vehicles on my account.
  • Why all vehicles are not visible when I click Map on the database?
  • Why am I not seeing vehicles on the map?
  • I Can't See My Driver on the Map.
  • I cannot see my trucks location.


  • No vehicles were selected to view on the map.
  • Vehicle was not selected.
  • User logged into an incorrect database.
  • No vehicle in the account


  1. In MyGeotab, select Map
  2. Click on the drop-down arrow located between the search field and Map options drop-down .image.png
  3. Click Select All
    • If there is no Select all option, click Remove all and then click Select all

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