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MyGeotab: What could be causing straight lines on MyGeotab map?



  • Poor GPS reception
  • Straight Lines on the Map
  • Vehicle going over Buildings, trees, etc.
  • GPS coordinates do not change under View Accident & Log Data
  • Vehicle location is not accurate on the map


GPS performance may be compromised due to:

  • Poor weather conditions, such as dense clouds or heavy precipitation
  • The receiver is in an environment where physical obstructions, such as mountains, deep valleys, tall buildings, overhangs, bridges or tunnels are apparent
  • The receiver is obstructed by something within the vehicle
  • The device is not properly installed
  • The use of a three-wire harness with different ignition detection logic; you can find appropriate harness using this guide
  • The use of GPS jamming equipment



  • Ensure proper device installation and location for better GPS reception. This will not guarantee GPS latch if issues are due to external environmental factors however.
  • Three-wire harness installation may result in straight lines on the map at the start of a trip before ignition is detected.