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Groups and Rules: Built-in seatbelt rule creating multiple exceptions a few seconds apart



  • Built-in/defaultseatbelt rule triggeringmultiple exceptions in a short timeframe
  • Device is picking up seatbelt readings


Driver is buckling their seatbelt after they have begun driving. This can be confirmed in Engine Measurements (looking for seatbelt, ignition and speed readings).

The built-in seatbelt rule is set to trigger as soon as the speed threshold is met. If the vehicle's speed is varying around the speed threshold, multiple exceptions can be triggered. 

  • Driver begins driving and meets the 10 km/h speed limit set in the seatbelt rule. Their seatbelt still isn't buckled so an exception is triggered.
  • Their speed then goes below 10 km/h, ending the exception.
  • A few seconds later the speed goes above 10 km/h, triggering a new exception.
  • This can keep happening until the driver buckles their seatbelt.


Create a custom seatbelt rule with additional conditions such as distance and duration. See >How To Create a Custom Rule using a Default Rule


The driver can change their habit to buckle the seatbelt within 20 seconds of ignition on, before they begin driving.