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MyGeotab: What causes reprocessing to occur



1. A reprocess data was manually initiated by a user of the database.

2. Driver change was made to a trip.

Note that this only applies if the Driver Change was made for a trip that had already been completed. 

Additional Notes

Each device also contains a processing window that is the length of the last two completed trips or the duration of the longest ongoing exception. The Rules processor will continue to reprocess all data for that specific device depending on which of the two windows has the longest duration. 

For example, if a device has an exception that is ongoing for 7 days, and within the 7 day interval, there have been 10 trips, the rules processor will reprocess data everyday from the previous 7 days. 

If the device has no ongoing exceptions or short ongoing exceptions, it will start reprocessing from the beginning of the previous 2 trips completed. 

Related Questions

  1. When does reprocessing happen?
    • If you try reprocessing data for less than seven days, it should happen immediately
    • Otherwise, reprocessing is scheduled to be run after hours
      • The after hours reprocessing window is 23:00 to 06:00 every day and all day Sundays
      • The custom code WEEKENDPROCESS enables all day reprocessing on Saturdays and Sunday
    • Reprocessing window corresponds to local time of servers. For example, all North American servers have Eastern Time as the timezone.