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Hardware: Device is showing Red and Green lights but no Blue light



  • The device only has the Red and Green lights illuminated.
  • The vehicle is not updating its location on the Map.
  • Trips start and stop at the same location.
  • Trips show straight lines.


  • Blue light indicates GPS.
  • Asset has an obstructed view of the sky.
  • The device is surrounded by metal.
  • GPS module failure.


  • Check Engine Faults to see if there are any issues with GPS.
  • Check the last known GPS location for any environmental obstructions (tunnel, parking garage, etc.)
  • Move the asset to another location.
  • Relocate the device to another location in the vehicle to get a better view of the sky.
  • Unplug and reinstall the device.
  • Log support ticket if issue persists.

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