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MyGeotab: Is it possible to remove users in bulk



No, it is not possible to remove multiple users (i.e., more than 1) at the same time.

Additional Notes

  • That is intended by design, because it would be too easy to accidentally remove/delete data of multiple users at once.
  • Instead of removing users, use the Bulk Edit add-in to make users archived/historical.
    • Refer MyGeotab: How to access the Bulk Edit add-in to install the add-in.
    • Select Data Type as user/driver and Add Property as Make historical
    • Image
    • You can also click on Download as CSV template to download the template as per the UI, and use the template to make all users historical insted of using UI 

Related Questions

The only other way would be to use the SDK, and write a script; caution is advised though. It is recomended to test the script in a test database.